Three weeks ago, a guillotine was constructed on the lawn of the Capitol, just right out in the open, in public, and now we hear nothing about this event? How long did that project take? Who facilitated?
Unfortunately, seems many of our politicians have the same lack of regard for their own safety as they do for our health and survival. That is a depressing realization in the sense that we're dealing with people managing our tax dollars who not only don't care about doing that job in an ethical or competent manner, but don't have any motivation to maintain basic guardrails when their favored category of white, right-wing domestic terrorists strikes.
On the local loco, firefighters are refusing vaccinations and are now being offered prizes
as some sort of incentive to be vaccinated. I know we're all so cynical now, and how dare we expect anything, but the term "public servant" has a very specific meaning. And that role requires a person who will act in the public interest, not endanger the health of people they're supposed to be serving during a pandemic.
Hundreds of thousands of people have died.
Have any of these prize givers asked their loved ones how it feels to pay taxes to finance firefighters, as well as cops, city contractors and politicians, who are likely to be culpable in these deaths based on their hostile refusal to wear masks, socially distance, get vaccinated, be even a bit humane?