Friday, March 26, 2021

The Disrespect of It All

Bad enough to bully and abuse the people who pay your salaries, either from your high-rise or out on Sunset Boulevard with weapons, but then to lie
to mischaracterize and smear them the way that both the mayor of Los Angeles and the worst person I have ever been represented by, Mitch O'Farrell, city council, have just done is just vile, along with how much they're clearly enjoying themselves, them and their little goon squads.

Today was also a bad day for the California governor's office to email me a fundraising request.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Smear Jobs Are Not About Standards

The staff at Teen Vogue seems pretty damn anti-Black to me, based on recent news. I detected a strong whiff when they got the new Black woman editor-in-chief to resign over prejudiced tweets she made about Asian people 10 years ago, when she was a teenager. She had acknowledged and apologized for these tweets several years before being hired at Teen Vogue, and again when she was hired. 

Now, lo and behold, reports have come out that one of the non-Black staffers who led the call for her removal (the Asian and Caucasian senior social media manager, natch) tweeted the "n" word multiple times a few years before the editor-in-chief published her own tweets.

Perspective: If someone non-Black is throwing that word around in public with other non-Black people, what do you think they're saying in private?

Keep in mind this individual knew exactly what a hypocrite she was being in leading a campaign to oust the Black editor-in-chief. And since she doesn’t hold herself to the standards she’s enforcing, we know it’s not about standards and here comes whiff after whiff again.

So, now, her and the Teen Vogue staff's story is shifting to how this Black woman reporter didn't have the right experience or qualifications and shouldn't have been hired in the first place. And the staffers now say they could only get management to care about tweets, but their move to push her out wasn't really about tweets, even though her 3 tweets from 10 years ago are exactly what they made it about as they smeared her far and wide.

And these are the people who call themselves liberal? 

When is the senior social media manager being fired?

Friday, March 19, 2021

Sunnyside, Queens, 2021


Source: Sunnyside Post

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Brands Not People

Once you see the brainwashing, you can't unsee it, the way Americans have been primed to defend a party or a person, sublimating those changing variables into claims of principle, over their fellow citizens. I can hear it

in the propaganda pushing out of the mouths of even people I love, framing Democrats' (intentional) failures as wins the way they were taught by the press release writers they are parroting, thanks to the stenography services of our mainstream media outlets -- yes, even the ones starring your favorite characters.

So, just know that when you repeat what are actually talking points, not facts, you are, in fact, prioritizing brands, not people.