Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Closed Circle

Conscientious objectors did the right thing not once, but twice, this week in California in interrupting W., the mass murderer--a status he shares with most politicians of the two mainstream parties. 

And anyone who disagrees this was the right thing agrees, then, that we ought to "behave" and be quiet as they kill kill kill using our money--a stance that is not actually defensible, which is why the mainstream media has ignored these conscientious objections altogether.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Mystery Covid Car Sleepless Mandate

More mad libs for newsies, Nextdoor Silver Lake edition:

Mystery Covid Car Sleepless Mandate

Mystery Box in Angelino Heights
Drive Thru Covid Testing?
Car Set on Fire (N. Coronado)
Sleepless in Silver Lake
Is There a Mask Mandate or Is There Not?

Saturday, September 11, 2021


Never forget?

You know what's also a good slogan:

Never obsess forever on mass death 
as an impetus to advocate mass death

Thursday, September 09, 2021

Mad Libs for Newsies

I've been enjoying my daily reads of various strange headlines from various strange sources for years now, so this year, I decided to compile them into a series, being a news broad and all.

The first series captured the essence of my 7-year 718 experience, while the second series, debuting today, features headlines that have flooded my inbox daily from Nextdoor Silver Lake during my 7 years hereā€”mad libs for newsies:

FBI Accosted Worm Helicopter

Man Leaving Notes About Contacting FBI Around Yucca and Las Palmas
Postmate Driver Accosted
Worm Moon 03/28/21
Re: Helicopter Circling???