Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Priorities, NOPD & TP-Style

Well, so long as the "police investigator close to the case" wasn't named, it will be just fine for the parents and loved ones of the--named--victim to read: "...they found her charred head in a pot on a stove, her legs and feet baked in the oven and the rest of her dismembered body nearby in [a] trash bag in the refrigerator..."

Considering that the perp killed himself and will therefore not be hunting down investigating officers any time soon, why the secrecy?


When I first read and linked the above article, the above referenced phrase, "a police investigator close to the case, who asked not to be named," was, in fact, in the article.

Now, it is not.

Instead, we have "police said," "police said," "police said," "police said."

Funny how things magically disappear on the Internet.
Is a TP staffer mayhaps reading this blog and/or did someone get an angry phone call?

C'mon, Chris Rose: Just Admit It.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL on the Chris Rose comment. Check with google to see if you can find a chached version of the earlier article. maybe you can assault the picayune for changing their story..?

10:44 AM  
Blogger Undercover Mother said...

Hmmmm. Must be the same NOPD that I saw on a movie called Dark Water Rising, about the animal rescues in NO post-Katrina...the ones in St. Bernard Parrish? Still no movement on that case because nobody will come by to identify the cop who shot 26 dogs in that school?

It sounds like a very frustrating place to live. I don't think I'd have your strength or gumption.

1:27 PM  

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