Sunday, November 19, 2017

My Only Blog About Blogging, Promise

I feel like I'm starting to adopt a John Cusack type of approach to blogging, as in now that I'm writing more online again, I find myself listing rules in my head for how people can deal with or interpret me and while that's all very humane and idealistic, it just doesn't work.

For me, this blog is a place for expressing myself in a creative, freer way than I can in other venues, such as work. I don't have one running theme or goal or agenda. I have self expression.

Like a lot of people who are probably more...what do they call it? more...oh, right, "free-spirited" than a traditional employer or client might be, I can only hope my self expression will not be unappealing, though I understand this is inevitable and take no offense at not being someone's cup of tea; you might not be mine, either, and I say that with no bitterness (maybe a little tartness, but bitterness? Nah).

What I worry about at times is that someone assessing me for a copyediting job or project will allow whatever they didn't like about my posts here to overcome other factors, such as my decades of experience, not to mention I've got references.

(Editor's Note: She's also looking for writing jobs or projects.)

In the more recent past, I've been more conservative about what I post online, even at this space, a way of approaching the open internet that shattered post-apocalypse, when I was displaced from New Orleans in September 2005. Though I didn't have a goal then other than finding a form of primal screaming that was at least interesting or maybe constructive, blogging worked in my favor since the writing I shared here opened doors for me to write for other publications.

On the editorial side, I had the same clients for a very long time, as in eight years or so, and then a few shorter-term contracts the last two years, so whatever I was doing here was a non-issue so far as my employment status went.

Now I'm on out on the career and client market and of course being run through the Google machine. The streams of work and creativity may cross and may or may not clash. But we're sort of post-apocalypse again here now, and Puerto Rico is unfortunate enough to be seeing unprecedented levels of it to this day, so I'm just not in the mood to worry about being Cusackian, much as I admire idealism and wanting to appeal to everyone (even the uptight).

However: 2017 has been too wild a ride not to have an outlet.

And look, I know this is probably unnecessary. But if any of my content on, say, sex, politics, feminism, dating, etc., makes you uncomfortable, be a good sport and pretend you didn't read it.

Or tell yourself it was my alter ego.

That's what I do.


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