Will find way to disable: "Styleblaster documents all -- the visiting fashion plates, the hipsters and have-nots, the native Polish and Italian proud who have for years called this neighborhood home."
Oh, good. Now if the cops aren't filming you wherever you go, these residents--can't call them fellow citizens, they're here urban touring--will oblige by rigging a camera up on a main block to record you for their own amusement. I mean, because they adore the community. It's all so very
objectifying, so very privacy violating, racist in both its omissions and its inclusions, and let's not even get into how very condescending, the "have-nots," how very, but hey if you're not doing anything it shouldn't bother you, right, you're out in public, right, what'd you expect for existing, right?
Well, I say ugh in their general direction. Enough already.
For all the lame buzzing about them, these so-called hipster children are just so joyless, nothing like my family and friends from Brooklyn and the 718 who were born and raised there. The so-called hipster children are not participating, they're pointing at people, all passionlesslike. They're not survivors. They're not direct. They're not wild. They're not real. They're not expressive. They're not conflicted. They don't work hard. They strike me as being like nothing at all; no politics that are tangible, no opinions grounded in hard reality, just
dead air
hanging there
like expired sushi
And yet they somehow manage to annoy others, almost as if, hmmm, they're going out of their way to do so and then decrying the rightful objections, all for something to rebel against, something to challenge that won't have them truly break a sweat. Is this the new edgy? The writer of the Gothamist piece about the latter url makes reference to feeling like these voyeurs are judging him and all I could think was, "Them? Who cares?"
They remind me of this annoying transplant twit who kept milling and even dancing around me and the friend I was having a pretty serious conversation with, or trying to, as we walked through the Quarter, my first visit back after leaving and our first time seeing each other since before she who shall not be named. Alas, Crapgypsy was imparting her wisdom about how to beeeeee in New Orleans, the way she told it, not that we asked or gave any indication of wanting her anywhere near us. I finally had to yell at her to stop blocking people on the sidewalk...I don't see the point of not honoring the place you've chosen to inhabit, learning from it, meeting people who are not carbon copies of you, for examples of things they're not doing on Bedford in Williamsburg (or that crapgypsies everywhere oppose by rote; Stevie this is not). I don't see the point when there's no joy, just leering, recording, co-opting; so what?
And stop with all the bad, insincere hats already.
Learn some manners.
Blast this.