Monday, October 29, 2012


That's the number of times today I've now asked or reminded the company that manages my building to please have the maintenance staff take in the 20-odd garbage and recycling bins lining the back courtyard in preparation for the wind gusts, before it starts raining. I made request four to the porter, who was busy dropping off the rent bills (priorities). He then wanted to talk about the company's apparent plan to install new windows in all the apartments. I mentioned I was a tad more concerned with what would be happening outside tonight, such as bags of glass bottle recyclables being torn apart and blown around between two six-story buildings at 30 to 75 miles per hour, depending on which forecast I'm to believe. They're still there and

I'm talking to myself again.

Update: They continue to sit there as of 2:50 p.m. Another walk around just confirmed this is a neighborhood trend.

And this would be case in point re: why I get so annoyed with NYC attitude these new millenium days; while an odd person here or there is guilty of this sort of brattiness during Nola or LI storms, that person is just that: odd. I mean, this is basic common sense for a regular storm & then there's the juxtaposition of this refusal to lift a finger with the guy in the grocery store yesterday who decided he'd be joining my aisle, although it was moving the opposite way, by proceeding to literally ram my body with his cart, shoving me back.

And here the porter is again: "everything's closed" so they "can't" secure the garbage pails because they didn't think to get anything ahead of time to hold them to the fence. "Oh, well." I'm not really sure how that prevents him and the super, who, granted, has not been seen for days, from simply bringing them inside, but he's started to whine so I say bye bye. And now the management office is closed. And still I seem to be the only one who sees the down side in bags of glass bottle recyclables being torn apart and blown around between two six-story buildings at 30 to 75 miles per hour, depending on which forecast I'm to believe. From here, it's a simple guess as to which sucker is going to end up hauling said bottles over to the lobby...


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